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The seCUREme brand was created to identify specific insurance needs that were not being addressed at all,OR, insurance needs that could be met with a different solution than what is currently being offered.
For Employers and small business owners, “the one plan fits all approach no longer works” as each business has its own unique requirements necessitating “new and fresh options” to the “old way of doing things”.
seCUREme’s first priority was to create Catastrophic and Stop Loss Insurance products that would fit a niche market in Canada – protection for Self-Funded Benefit Plans and PHSPs. We have since added other Insurance products to the seCUREme shelf and will continue to work diligently over the next years to develop other niche products necessary to the financial security of Employers and Employees across Canada.
seCUREme products can be added to existing Benefit Plans or can be used to stand-alone. Group Benefit Brokers across Canada now have the opportunity to add truly innovative and sustainable products to their repertoire of employee benefit offerings.