
Stop Loss Insurance

If you provide Employee Health and Dental Benefits either through a Traditional Self-Funded Third Party Administered program, or a Third Party Administered Health Spending Account, then the seCUREme Stop Loss plans have innovative solutions and options that are designed specifically for you.

Employers offering Self Funded Traditional Plans understand the long-term financial advantage to their plans of capping benefits such as Prescribed Drugs, Dental or Paramedicals. But their concern then becomes the fact that an employee may require additional medications or services that exceed those caps.

The major advantages of your existing Health Spending Account is that it gives you, total control over your budget and gives your employees the flexibility to decide when, where and how to spend their health care benefits. But there is always the risk of unforeseen health issues that go well beyond the coverage of your Health Spending Account. So, what is the solution to these two areas of concern?

seCUREme, Stop Loss from Health Risk Services, provides the additional, much needed health insurance coverage to address unforeseen health expenses not covered fully by either your Traditional Plan or Health Spending Account.

seCUREme Stop Loss Comprehensive covers a wide range of health services, from emergency ambulance services and hospital stays, to dental, paramedicals, hearing, and prescription medications.

seCUREme Stop Loss plans protect against financial stress resulting from unforeseen health care expenses. They work in conjunction with your existing Health Spending Account Plan or Traditional Health and Dental Plan – both of which cover the deductible amount of the Stop Loss Comprehensive insurance plan.

Of specific importance is prescription drug coverage. A diagnosis of a chronic condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or cancer, or a sudden heart attack, often results in the need for long term prescription drugs – usually expensive long-term prescription drugs. seCUREme Stop Loss offers multiple options in covering these prescription drug expenses.

Until now, there was NO true Stop Loss or Catastrophic coverage plan that could be attached to a Health Spending account. Now there is.

seCUREme Stop Loss is a unique, innovative plan that is only available from Health Risk Services. In addition, Health Risk acts as the administrator for seCUREme products as well as the adjudicator for seCUREme claims – guaranteeing fast and efficient service.

It provides coverage for unforeseen medical expenses and financial security with added convenience for your employees… while providing financial stability and affordability due to lower premium costs for you. Health Risk is also the claims adjudicator for seCUREme claims.

If you provide employee health benefits through a Health Spending Account plan or even a Traditional Health and Dental Plan, then you owe it to yourself to explore the benefits offered by the seCUREme Stop Loss insurance plans.

Contact Health Risk Services OR your Benefits Broker today and see how seCUREme adds valuable health care coverage – improving employee morale and satisfaction, while protecting your profits.